Signed in as:
Signed in as:
President - JK Wang (term expires 2026)
Vice President 1 - Matt Redmond (term expires 2025)
Vice President 2 - Gina Shinn (term expires 2026)
Treasurer - Dara Barnett (term expires 2025)
Secretary - Jennifer Battaglia (term expires 2026)
Competition Chair - Aly Hansen (term expires 2026)
Coach Representative - Vacant
Test Chair - Keri Lennon - Interim
SkateSafe & Compliance Chair - Jennifer Wilson (term expires 2026)
Synchronized Skating Representative - Kate Kerr
Volunteer Coordinator - open
Membership Chair - Kimberley Moore
Competition Co-Chair - Daniel Ashton
Sanctions Chair - Jenny Gwyn
Consignment Chair - Maria Waugh
Please contact if interested in volunteering.
Volunteer Coordinator
Communications Chair
Board meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Minutes are available upon request.
Please email to for access to the monthly meeting or to request a copy of the meeting minutes.